Körber's palletizing and conveying solutions optimize manufacturing production lines by conveying and packing goods onto pallets for transfer and delivery.
From selecting the perfect automation or material handling solution that’s the right fit for all your operational requirements, through to system design, testing and implementation, Körber’s team will support you at every stage of your automation journey.
We want to ensure that your goods are available at the right time, at the right place, to the people where they are needed. To accomplish this, you need efficient supply chain software solutions that ensure a seamless and high-performing supply chain.
From selecting the perfect solution for all your operational requirements, to system design, testing and implementation, Körber’s team will support you at every stage of your automation journey. System integration is essential for unifying diverse software solutions, hardware components, and various technologies into a cohesive and efficient system.
Ablösung des bestehenden Lagerverwaltungssystems durch SAP
Automatisches Tablarlager mit 54.000 Stellplätzen
Lieferübergreifendes Verpacken im WE mit Transporteinheiten von „Produktionsanlieferungen“
Verpackungsplanung mit Vorgaben aus dem ERP
Behälterfördertechnik mit Anbindung von Kommissionierbahnhöfen (Kombination aus Ware-zum-Mann und Mann-zur-Ware) und Packplätzen (Fließpackerei, Sonderetikettierung, Einzelpackplätze)
Datenfunktechnologie SAPUI5 (HTML5) mit Industrie-Smartphones Zebra TC 70
Umbau / Erweiterung der Behälterfördertechnik
Proof of Concept
Erstellung eines Feinkonzeptes
SAP EWM Implementierung sowie SAP ERP Beratung zur Anbindung des SAP EWM an SAP ERP"
Körber provides a full range of high-level services to enhance both the efficacy and efficiency of your systems and the staff responsible for them, supporting your company’s supply chain from end to end.