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Packing, sorting, dispatching, marshalling and shipping

With growing complexity in product lines and order structures, along with increasing logistics service level demands, there is no room for error. Körber’s automated solutions help you manage your entire outbound process. 

Growing logistical complexity is a major challenge

The different stages from preparation to delivery are all mission-critical:

  • Restricted floor space, limited loading bays and transportation constraints create the need for “just-in-time” processes in the distribution center
  • The increasing need for process speed, quality and transparency is compounded by diverse customer needs
  • With the significant costs in shipping and high expectations of the “shopping experience”, mistakes can be expensive and impact customer satisfaction levels

Körber’s integrated solutions help you manage the entire process, from packing and staging to shipping and delivery.

Through our automated solutions, warehouse management software and transport management systems, you can manage high levels of product diversity, short delivery times and varying quantities. The system determines which goods go into which vehicle and the order in which they are loaded, based on delivery sequence.

Our automated packing systems calculate the required size of boxes and optimize workload balancing over multiple packing stations. They automate the flow to and from packing stations and can even integrate automated packaging lines.

Sequencing and delivery routes are becoming more complex, and we are developing a number of different automated solutions.

Michiel Veenman,

Through mobile devices, voice-directed technologies and advanced goods-to-person solutions, you not only optimize the speed and accuracy of your order picking, but our software tracks whether an order has been picked or loaded in real time. In this way, we optimize the entire packing, staging and shipping process. Loading is photographically documented, and each order is tracked through unique identification technology.

While on the road, drivers communicate all activities related to outbound deliveries, pick-ups and returns through a web-based app.

Shipping can be complex, the costs are significant, and there is an ever-present risk of customer dissatisfaction through the slightest error. Our software solutions will help you deliver your shipment to the dock at the right time and in the right sequence.

Key benefits

Just-in-time workflows

As the e-commerce market dictates faster delivery times and more pressure in maintaining expected service levels, our “just-in-time” processes achieve a faster and more targeted approach.

Right place, right time

With more frequent deliveries in varying quantities, our intelligent supply chain execution solutions ensure your customers receive the right product at the right place and the right time.

Module-based solutions

Our automated solutions are module-based and scalable, depending on the size of your operation. Through our experience in solutions design, we implement the right solution, risk-free and purpose-designed.

Purpose applications

By understanding both your current business and longer-term plans, we apply the combination of technologies to meet your supply chain requirements best.

The Körber difference

Our warehouse and transport management systems help you gain competitive advantage by automating the most mission-critical aspects of your supply chain.

We help our customers develop distribution processes that achieve outstanding customer outcomes.

Thomas Metz,


Management and control
Our software allows you to track all warehouse tasks and vehicle movements on a graphical dashboard.


Processing times
You can record execution times within individual processes, including arrival, waiting and unloading times.

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