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Spare Parts

Spare parts supply chain management involves a complex network of manufacturers and suppliers, a vast inventory with high numbers of stock-keeping units (SKUs), varied routings and multiple global delivery points. Enhanced data capture, tracking and traceability capabilities are critical to maintaining records of provenance and a fully documented chain of custody down to each individual component throughout the supply chain.

Parts and component sub-assembly products can be high-value, fragile, heavy or bulky to ship, often requiring specialist shippers and handling across air, land and sea. Short-notice orders to support time-critical fitments are common, as is the trend toward servitization. This is the offering of a more usage-based service – such as just-in-time-delivery and after-sales maintenance – rather than solely manufacturing and delivery.

Operators need to balance the right stock levels in the correct locations to minimize overstocking and obsolescence. At the same time, they must ensure availability and reliable delivery are not compromised. As a result, spare parts supply chains need to be very lean and able to mitigate the associated risks.

Industry challenges

Managing the complexities of the spare parts supply chain needs both sophisticated inventory management and data modelling capabilities. Fully tracking and tracing high-value and safety-critical components assures their source and provides relevant certification at point of use. To do this, you must collect and manage data securely through each touchpoint.

Spare parts supply chain operators need to coordinate both bulk and one-off land, sea and air shipments to and from remote distribution centers and across international borders. Deliveries are often time-critical and there is no room for error. Digital consignment tracking and tracing technologies bring end-to-end visibility and complete control from order to delivery.

The Körber difference

At Körber, we understand the unique challenges of spare parts supply chain management and have specifically designed solutions to address them. By integrating our warehouse and transportation management systems with solutions from our connected, global network of transport, telematics and ERP software partners, you achieve the supply chain visibility you need.

We are far more than just a software business. Our consultants work in true partnership with your organization and users. You can adapt, integrate, deploy and customize each of our solutions so they work just the way you need them to. They are modular and completely configurable, both to your specific operational needs and to a wide range of third-party applications.

We work with enterprises of all sizes, offering scalability to meet your changing needs. Whatever your operational logistics requirements, from global fourth-party logistics providers to haulers, we remain focused on our principal aims to optimize your efficiency, profitability and customer service levels.

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