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2021 AMR RFP Template

A comprehensive RFP template to help choose your AMR vendor

5 reasons to choose Körber

Implementing SAP supply chain projects and selecting an appropriate SAP consulting firm can present certain challenges. Körber can address these, helping customers to maximize the value of their SAP implementation.

A fast track to growth for NEXT

A fully automated distribution center streamlines supply and routing processes for global clothing and home products retailer NEXT.

A turn-key distribution center

Super Bock Group: Boosting efficiency while cutting costs

Added value, quality, and reliability

A turnkey automated warehouse solution accounted for every element of the new warehouse’s needs.

Address Digitalization Station

Efficient address reading and sorting for residual mail

Advanced picking storage

The picking storage solution for Wittusen & Jensen is based on three K.Store miniload cranes with multi-retrievers for storage and outfeed of items of various dimensions at the same time.

AMR 101

Everything you need to know about autonomous mobile robots

AMRs: The new wave of flexible automation

The opportunities, options and use cases for AMRs

An innovative warehouse concept

A turnkey automated warehouse solution accounted for every element of the new warehouse’s needs.

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