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Supercharge your warehouse profits!

How do you handle more SKUs and faster deliveries with fewer employees? If you are in warehousing and supply chain logistics for the long run, you should be considering this question.

Handling a growing number of items in various packaging is a challenge in warehouses and distribution centers across the world today, and with new segments like fresh food and vegetables growing in e-commerce, faster deliveries are expected from retailers and consumers.


More goods, more SKUs, and shorter turnarounds used to mean more hands. But in most warehouses and distribution centers, it is already a challenge to attract new employees and to ramp up for seasonal peaks. Chances are that competition for labor will be a fierce battle in the future. 


One solution: higher wages. The obvious problem with this solution is that your operational expenses will keep eating larger chunks of your profits. And what is the point of handling more goods faster if it puts you in the red?


Another problem with the above solution is that it will only keep you warm for so long. After a while, your neighbor is bound to come up with a better offer for your employees.


Investing in automation is the better option. It will put a toll on your capital expenditures, but it can save (and give) you a lot of money in the long run if you manage to invest in a flexible solution geared for the needs of today and tomorrow.


In a volatile market like warehousing, large investments come with a risk. But based on forecasts from leading consultants in our markets, it should not be that difficult to develop a business case and draw the curves, where your CAPEX and OPEX cross each other in a not-too-distant future.


Your ROI depends on the business case, and the business case depends on the automation solution you choose. The most quoted reasons for investing in automation in the US include raising throughput and reducing labor.


Related Solutions

System Integration & Automation

Manufacturing and distribution organizations know that automation can improve efficiencies, maximize space and increase productivity across their supply chains.


A Layer Picker System can meet both targets. Often, it is within order fulfillment you have the most human interaction, and it is the area of your warehouse where almost all goods pass through. That is why layer picking is the center of attention for our R&D department in Körber Supply Chain, and why we constantly update our Layer Picker Systems with new features.


To meet future demands, we look at this area from a holistic approach and with a digital mindset. Holistic because we need to utilize your square footage to the maximal, we need to reduce human intervention but still make the solutions easy for humans to install, operate, and maintain, and most importantly we need the solutions to be safe; physically and ergonomically.


With the digital mindset, we strive to bring warehousing up to speed with other industries that are way ahead of us in terms of digitalization. Recently, we introduced a thoroughly tested AI solution, where a self-learning algorithm automatically resets equipment based on operator behavior paired with an image database. Based on the same real-time image recognition, it also detects root cause issues with your master data. With this solution, we have been able to increase operational availability by up to 12%.


Automation is not for free, and it is not for everyone. But if you draw those curves, chances are that it will boost your volume and keep your OPEX low. And allow you to automatically handle more versatile SKUs now and in the future, deliver goods faster, and manage your site with fewer – but happier and healthier – employees.


Körber Supply Chain, as your partner to automate your warehouse, will further boost your likelihood of success.

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