4 Web Sessions: 06.-27. Oktober 2020
Uhrzeit: 11:00 - 11:30 Uhr
Die sich stetig wandelnden Herausforderungen in der Logistik machen vor dem Lager nicht halt. Auf der einen Seite stehen Logistikverantwortliche vor der Aufgabe, Mitarbeiter zu finden, zu binden und ihre Fähigkeiten auszubauen. Aktuell kommen strengere (Hygiene-)Vorschriften hinzu. Auf der anderen Seite fordern neue Trends in komplexen globalen Lieferketten eine Effizienzsteigerung zur Erhaltung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Technologie kann unterstützen. Doch ohne eine solide Strategie werden Prozesse nur noch komplexer. Flexibilität ist der Schlüssel. Sie wird zu einer Chance, sich zu differenzieren.
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Seit einigen Jahren halten innovative Robotik-Technologien in der Logistikbranche Einzug. Autonome mobile Roboter (kurz: AMRs) interagieren auf kooperative Weise mit Mitarbeitern und unterstützen etwa beim Kommissionieren oder Transportieren. Doch wie genau könnte sich eine solche Lösung auch in ihr Lagerumfeld integrieren, um die Produktivität im Lager zu steigern und Mitarbeiter von physisch schweren und Routinetätigkeiten zu entlasten?
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Zukünftige Arbeitslandschaften erfordern ein gewisses Maß an Spielraum. Automatisierung kann so eingesetzt werden, dass Abläufe rationalisiert und ablenkende und zeitaufwändige Hilfsaufgaben automatisiert werden können. In anderen Fällen kann sie bedeuten, dass Mitarbeiter für neue Tätigkeiten in Anspruch genommen werden können.
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Gerade bei arbeitsintensiven Prozessen unterstützen moderne Voice- und Vision-Technologien Mitarbeiter, Prozesse effizienter auszuführen. Verkürzte Einarbeitungszeiten, reduzierte Fehlerraten und eine termingerechten Erledigung der Aufgaben innerhalb der Arbeitszeit verbessern nicht nur die Effizienz im Lager, sondern steigert auch die Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit.
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Supply chain complexity is increasing, and while customers become more demanding and online shopping is expanding across sectors. That means warehouses need to operate at peak performance, and intralogistics systems have to deliver the high levels of throughput required to stay competitive. Software - and data enablement and advanced operational analytics and are required to enable proactive management and optimization of goods movements through the warehouse. This master class discusses four technologies that can help you achieve this goal.
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The supply chain has emerged as a mission-critical function that can define the success or failure of an organization. At the same time, global megatrends such as changing consumer behaviors, a tightly connected global economy and disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic make it increasingly difficult to operate supply chains efficiently.
Our master class examines the key factors that create supply chain complexity and how industry leaders tackle the resulting pain points to increase operational performance and gain a competitive advantage.
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Ecommerce and omnichannel shopping have permanently altered market dynamics and buying behaviors. Fluctuating order volumes, a tight labor market and rising customer expectations mean that warehouses and DCs have to operate more efficiently than ever before. In this master class, we will explore how automonous mobile robots (AMR) can help your warehouse operations scale to address these challenges.
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Supply chain complexity is increasing, and warehouses need to run at peak efficiency to ensure continued business success. Warehouse management systems are a critical first step in optimizing their operations. But looking past the WMS, what other technologies can help you move performance to the next level? Join us for this master class, to learn about innovative warehouse technologies, use cases and best practices for today's warehouses.
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The FMCG industry has been challenged with increasing numbers of Stock Keeping Units (SKU) while retail customers demand smaller delivery quantities. As manufacturers change how they produce and distribute their products, mixed-load pallet building emerges as one of the most efficient approaches companies can embrace. However, it increases complexity and the amount of labor required to fulfill customer orders.
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Until recently, sustainability initiatives have been focused on the manufacturing side of the supply chain. Now the spotlight is now on warehouse and transportation, and the measures companies can put in place to reduce their ecological impact. So how should you approach sustainability? Join us for this Master Class series to learn about the role technology can play in building a sustainable supply chain.
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Warehouses today are under increased pressure to be able to maintain efficiency regardless of outside factors. However, when major disruptions to the supply chain happen, like product shortages or pandemics like COVID, many operations can be left struggling to keep up. Join us for this Master Class series on Disruption Mitigation to learn how the latest technologies and processes can help prepare your operation for whatever challenges it may face.
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SAP’s Supply Chain Logistics Suite offers powerful solutions for all areas of supply chain management. But how do you ensure you get the most out of your SAP implementation? And how to best handle the impending migrations from SAP WM to SAP EWM? Join our SAP Experts to learn about trends and best practices around SAP Supply Chain implementations.
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Warehouses are held to a high level of safety standards and workplace safety is paramount to operational production as issues can result in lost time, product, and revenue. Join us for this Master Class series on Workplace Efficiencies and Safety to learn how the latest technologies and automation can help improve your processes and safety.
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Warehousing is one of the biggest areas for supply chain differentiation. How do you plan to stay competitive and meet your consumer’s needs? Deep dive into the warehouse with topics on critical capabilities, cloud vs. on-prem infrastructure, ROI and automation.
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Answers to today’s cold storage issues rarely fall in your lap. Or do they? Join the presentations and discussion regarding AMR & voice in cold storage, traceability and food safety and much more.
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Today’s labor market is creating new challenges. This class covers everything from scaling up and down for seasonality or a crisis, to adjusting your workforce to new regulations.
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